Shelly Dutch
Founding Director
Shelly Dutch has dedicated her life’s work to those with Substance Use Disorders for 40 years. She has received numerous awards and recognition for her dedication to the alcohol and drug issues in our society. She is certified at both the state and national levels, and emphasizes mentoring and service as the key to recovery. She also founded Horizon High School, an emotional growth recovery school in 2004. Community is integral to recovery and Recovery Foundation lends itself to her mission.
Shelly founded Recovery Foundation in 2006. “We must provide services to include equity for all, regardless of their socio economic status or race. The mission is to provide scholarships for those in need as well as supporting peer mentorship and educating the community to help increase awareness about addiction.” Shelly has volunteered on the Recovery Foundation board of directors since it was founded.
Shelly is the Founding Director of Connections Counseling, LLC and is passionate about the work she does to enhance the lives of staff and those we serve. Shelly is in long term recovery and committed to helping others on their sober journey! She is described as being compassionate, genuine and having zest for life.
Shelly especially loves road biking, kayaking and her dog!